Or we could consider a possibility that instead of being a bit gormless, and being lead by his nose. Luxon is also an Atlas supporter, and this is part of the long game. He comes back to NZ, joins National, poses as the next coming of a strong leader, so that the real brains with a tiny political party can come to the table. With all the policies already written, and agreed to, in the ( negotiating)

It’s cunning, and has blindsided our political system.

We can protest, tut tut , and read and be horrified. But the real deals have already been done.

Mean while Luxon flys about in bad fitting suits, to far flung places, making like an important person, being over familiar and generally embarrassing all of us.

Doesn’t matter, his purpose has been achieved, long ago in that private negotiating room.

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Yeah, I agree. National is the trojan horse to get Act policy (which most Nats actually privately agree with anyway) enacted.

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He is a Trumpian political animal: all public attention is good. Totally amoral, lives for nothing but being in the limelight, and scoring political points.

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I cannot bear seeing photos of that turkey. To illustrate your excellent essays in future, might you perhaps show some beautiful native trees? Or even some beautiful natives. Kia ora.

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There is a critical aspect missing in this analysis, and that is neo-conservatism. Neoliberalism on its own does not explain or address the kind of authoritarianism that came to the fore in the US in the wake of 9/11, which one could say provided the perfect opportunity, and what we see today in both the US and Aotearoa New Zealand. David Harvey's 'The New Imperialism' (2003) provides superb analysis of both neoliberalism and neoconservatism. Neoconservatism is seen in the punitive, disciplinary policies of the current ACT agenda with which Luxon, floundering with his mouth agape like a fish out of water, aligns himself. We see it in all its dark glory in the Trump/Musk alliance. It has a different agenda from neo-liberalism, hence Roger Douglas's warning. Its primary objective is order and a hierarchy of power, aligned with an adherence to moral principle, so-called, as we see in the Far-Right Christian Conservative movement. The Neoconservative principles and objectives for governance and order in the 21st century are delineated in the 'Project for a New American Century' in the late 1990s and 'Project 2025.' Both are illuminating reading.

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What is so worrying is the media complicit behavior in manipulation of the narrative for the outcome this government wants.

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The trouble with Ayn Rand is that she based her absurd ideas on Nietzsche without understanding he was writing psychology not political or economic theory.

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Good stuff thankyou

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Thanks for the shoutout. Looking forward to more of your analysis.

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