
THank you Cheryl. That's great to hear. The best day for a Financial Mentor is when a client says, "I can manage on my own now." It's so satisfying and wonderful to see them get on top of their issues and make it work.

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It would be good if they did read it. But I suspect that it doesn't fit with National's agenda for Social Investment and picking and choosing who they licence to operate under it. They've started it already with Mike King. The downside of picking one programme over another is that there is no overall plan and mental health is becoming a serious issue. Most of my clients are depressed and their mental wellbeing is being eroded daily simply by the hopelessness of it all. Scrapping the Fair Pay agreement and not increasing minimum wage is one of the worst things they could have done.

Labour are no better, sadly. They had a huge opportunity to do something transformative and they didn't.

To me I think it's time to get rid of both these legacy parties as they've become stale and stuck in outdated iseology.

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This should be read by every mp, especially the current government and the Labour ones.

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Great post, Liz


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I think this bizarre way of thinking sheds more light on Christopher Luxon's attitude to social support. I don't 'lose any of my income to tax', I contribute it to society.

From Christopher Luxon's Facebook yesterday (2024-06-08)

"A typical worker today loses 21% of their income to tax, whereas back in 2011 they only lost 15% of their income to tax. That’s why we’re delivering tax relief."

From <https://www.facebook.com/christopherluxon/posts/pfbid02jPoKWZPzHu3ZkETV2zFf1bxk6M63S7CQJU86kfWJtrcMZeAbCb6mGeoFojPPyk5Fl?comment_id=2281143628894718&notif_id=1717820793157106&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif>

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Correct. Taxes are the contribution you pay for a civil society, for all the public services and public infrastructure. Taxes are not theft but an investment. However National and ACT have always claimed that taxes deprive people of the choice to spend it on something they want. It's the neoliberal ideal where there are low taxes and everyone pays for health care, education, police, user pays including more road tolls to pay for maintenance and so on. That thinking just leads to a dystopian hell.

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That's where they're taking us

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An excellent column Elizabeth and I agree with all that you have written.

Many years ago my then husband and I enlisted the help of an FM ( or Budget Advise as it was called then)and to this day I use the tools that he taught us.

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